
One of the hardest things for us to acknowledge is when we are  wrongly accused. You know the truth, and you want so badly to justify yourself. You want so badly to prove the others wrong and be in the right.

First, the enemy is the real accuser of us. He’s trying so hard to get the fingers pointed at one another and allow his devices to succeed. We have all fallen into his trap.

Second, we want justification. Our own justice for wrong doing. We want to be right and want justice to be done. But do we want our justice or the Father’s justice? In the midst of oppression, can we truly look to him to bring His justice and not our own.

Third, Jesus was brought before Pilate. Innocent. Without fault. Yet, He has every reason to call every angel to the rescue. He could have fought for His freedom and repayment for his treatment. In all his humility, He stayed silent. Why? Because had He not stayed silent the rest of humanity would not know atonement.

It hurts when others accuse you of something you didn’t do. It’s painful when they oppress you or harshly mistreat you. It’s human nature to want justice for the pain acquired.

Beloved, know that truth eventually is revealed. Jesus did not defend himself so that He could defend you. If God is for you, who can be against you. So when accusations come, allow the Lord to intervene in your life. Don’t rattle back with petty arguments. Instead, forgive and love. Its harder but keeps you in the right. (Isaiah 53:7)

#accused #jesus #forgive #forgiveness #love

2 responses to “Accusations”

  1. Desiray Avatar

    Great devotional. If we would just remember that when it happens we will not be so quick to speak so foolishly to people.

    We have to always recognize the source of where it comes from.


  2. Kelly Avatar

    Yes and amen. God knows you heart and He is a just God. Know that He will exonerate and vindicate you. He is your defender and His timing is perfect. We can’t let the accuser distract us.


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